Watch Our Why

Read Our Why

So our story...

Our story is one grounded in an immigration journey, grounded in our experience growing up in Lawrence, Massachusetts, and all that came with that, positive and negative. But additionally, our experience is about figuring out how it is that we can effectively impact learning in the classroom and beyond.

As facilitators, as trainers, as individuals that produce content, we want to extend our knowledge and our abilities in a way that will support others in growing their toolbox and expanding their toolbox, and ultimately utilizing it for the betterment of others.

We both experienced some rough moments in education ourselves. And part of what we wanted to do through Multicultural Classroom® and through our work with schools and teachers is to offer a different way, is to help teachers do a better job than what we experienced ourselves, and to do a better job than maybe they're doing now.

I know that I needed some help when I first started in the classroom. There was so much for me to unlearn and for me to learn.

And so part of what we're doing here today through Multicultural Classroom®, and hopefully with all of you, is to create opportunities for really positive, restorative moments of learning, so that we can help our young people really move our nation forward through an ABAR, through an anti-biased and anti-racist, lens. And so we hope that not only will our students feel better and more welcome in your classrooms, but we also want you to be welcomed in ours.

Ultimately, we're here to serve. And we want folks in the classroom and out of the classroom to grow, to learn, to reflect, and to engage others in the journey.

You belong in our classroom.

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