About the Book

The Mirrors & Windows Homeschool Curriculum is here! It’s a 20-week learning experience meant to support all of us at home with our PreK and Kindergarteners. We know that having a plan and activities is necessary. We also know many are navigating this teaching and learning journey for the first time. We got you!

About the curriculum:

Each week is focused on a book. There’s reading, writing, science, math, art, music, and more. We also feature cultural exploration activities. There’s some social justice work, too, because you’re never too young to do the right thing! Additionally, the curriculum is flexible. It’s designed in a way that allows you to adjust it to make it work for your needs. We do offer some structures, for those that want it, but this is really about you and supporting you. Bring our classroom to your home!

Cover art: @sofahood

This is a digital (PDF) curriculum, available for download immediately upon purchase.

Here is a portion of the welcome page:

We what it's like to be with pre K and K young ones. Without a plan activities or haming chaos ensues. The lack Of structure and creative outlets causes stress for au Of the people in the home. We get it What we are offenng in this curriculum is a plan. One that is flexible enough to meet your needs. You can do as much of it as you want or only do one or two of the activities. Use it to fit what has become your famiMs new bfestyle. Our goals for this curriculum are sirnple: Developing literacy skills in speaking. writing, listening, and reading Exploring creativity and imagtnatims •+ Integrating many subjects so that the learning is deep and Wide Offering young children a culturany rich learning experience
The curriculum is written in a weekly format. This was done intentionally so that you can freely manage your time. Each farnity has their rhythm and all children move at their own pace. We want you to own this work and tailor it to meet your needs. The weekly units all fdlow the same template so you can find the information. activities. md lessm ideas sirrOy. Row 1 will display a picture of the book. week number. and book synopsis It will also list if the book is avadabk Spanish. 2 features Mirrors & Windows Questions. These questims you can use to get your child (ren)'s imagination and thinking going before you start any activities or reading. Use these as conversation starters. Box 3 displays suggested literacy skills to explore with your PreK child(ren). Box 4 displays suggested literacy skdls to explore with your Keep in rnüld that these are an suggested and you can accomplish some and not accomplish others. If your child cannot do —1 activities vet. then use it as a goal post for what you want to work toward Box 5 offers ideas for integrating different subjects. There are math. science. history. art. and other sut*ect activities to engage in. Most are hands-on and some are digital. links included. You have freedom in which ones you do, if you choose not to take on all of them. Box 6 is an important box. This is the Culture-Related Activities box featwing activities you can do with your young one(s) that explores au types of cultural ideas. These may be virtual visits to other countries. learning about other languages. tackling social issues. and/or leaming about important historical events, Box 7 is meant to be an extra and fun activity in the case that you want more These are hands-on. often creative ideas rneant to insg*re the imagination. This is the box where they might leam where their passions lie!

Here are some instructions on how to use the curriculum:

Here is an excerpt of one of the weeks based on the book Cool Cuts:

This week is centered on the book Cool Cuts written by Mechal Renee Roe. It features numerous cool haircuts Black boys can have.
Lorena Germán leaning on her right arm with her hand propping her head up at a tilt, smiling

About the Author: Lorena Germán

Lorena is an immigrant from the Dominican Republic and raised in the U.S. She attended public schooling from first grade through high school. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in English Communication from Emmanuel College and her Master of Arts in English from Middlebury College’s Bread Loaf School of English. She is an advocate for the practice of a culturally sustaining pedagogical approach in education.

Lorena has been in the field of education, working in various settings, since 2001. Her extensive experience in a range of settings spanning from extracurricular youth work to community spaces to the traditional classroom equips her to offer sound advice as to strong teaching practices.

Lorena has held educational leadership positions at the department level, school-wide level, and in the larger district level from designing curriculum to strategizing for improvement. She is the Chair of the National Council of English Teacher’s Committee Against Racism and Bias in the Teaching of English and she’s a co-founder of #DisruptTexts. Currently, she is Co-Founder and Academic Director at Multicultural Classroom®.Â