The Blog

2024 Elections Are Coming education inclusive professionaldevelopment reflection social emotional learning Dec 19, 2023

The man who was 45th president of the United States and wants to be the 47th, just did his racist thing again in New Hampshire. He decided to claim that immigrants from South America, Africa, and Asia are “poisoning” the blood of the United States. All by itself, this comment is hideous, but when pu...

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Numb in School classroom education reflection social emotional learning texturedteaching Sep 11, 2023

"He sits there and keeps his down and just does his work. He's such a good student." 

"Mary was diagnosed with cancer and we didn't even know! She's such a trooper." 

"Juan barely talks and responds only when called upon." 

"They're such a difficult student. They fidget all day and need all these...

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More Than Words Can Describe csp ela poetry resources social emotional learning Dec 19, 2019

This blog post is straight from our classrooms!

From Roberto:

A couple of weeks ago, I used writing to promote some social-emotional learning with students while fostering community in the class. I used a picture from the New York Times publication titled “40 Intriguing Photos to Make Students Thi...

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