The Blog
If you're staying up with the news, then you know Florida is under fire with the indoctrination in education that the current state government is passing as law. Most recently, some content was approved to be used as optional in Florida schools. The content is from an uaccredited not for profit righ...
 When working with emergent bilinguals in the classroom it is important to have a well-developed toolbox of strategies that celebrates their strengths and builds on their needs. This work doesn’t have to be a mystery. It is about intention and preparation. In this blog post, we have some research-ba...
Addressing difficult or tense conversations in a classroom is difficult enough, without being prepared with a set of norms or protocol. Not only can the topics be tense, but the process of the conversation can be challenging if people are not aware of what is appropriate or how to participate e...
Taking anti bias and antiracist (ABAR) ideas into practice is something like reinventing the wheel. Most of us didn't experience that in our own k-12 educational journeys, so we need to reimagine and reinvent teaching and learning in order to dream what ABAR teaching and learning might look like.Â
...Sharing books with children is one of the best gifts we can offer. It builds relationships, literacy, and a love of learning, among other things. Sometimes turning the book gifts into something fun and active can be tricky. One time, a friend gifted my son the book Jabari Jumps along with a bathing ...
It is Indigenous People’s Day! We love to celebrate this day with education and resources because we know how under-represented and ignored these nations are in schools, curricula, and general U.S. society. For this year, we invited Trisha Moquino, member of Cochiti Pueblo, to join us in a conversat...
The main secret is that it doesn’t differ much from in-person teaching. You still need to do the personal anti bias and anti racist work required and these brave spaces will still require relationship-building. This entails going through your own peeling back of layers in terms of bias and identity....
This post is not about bragging. We have had too many failures, but in the spirit of helpfulness and our own reflection, we wanted to share what has, in fact, been working for us.
We’ve learned our kids have more energy than an energy drink. We’ve also learned they need breaks from each other or th...
This blog post is straight from our classrooms!
From Roberto:
A couple of weeks ago, I used writing to promote some social-emotional learning with students while fostering community in the class. I used a picture from the New York Times publication titled “40 Intriguing Photos to Make Students Thi...