The Blog

Every school subject has a racist past. anti-racist schools antiracist antiracistedu educational equity racism texturedteaching Aug 12, 2024

Education is at a fundamental crossroads, with calls echoing for it to modernize and to cater to the evolving landscape of information and interaction that young people navigate daily. The present moment demands a shift in educational practices to foster not only academic competence but a deeper und...

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Metaphorically Speaking: Does your school have cancer? #antiracistedu anti-racist schools antiracist education educational equity racism Jul 30, 2024

Sam is diagnosed with cancer. 

Recently I went LIVE on Instagram and compared racism to cancer. I started with a fictional character named Sam who goes to the doctor because of pain that won't go away. I talked about how the doctor then runs some tests and diagnoses Sam with cancer. Sam, then, has ...

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Four Barriers to Antiracist Work anti-racist schools antiracist antiracistedu education equity racism Jan 12, 2024

While there are many more barriers than 4, these are four common objections people raise when they're trying to explain why they are hesitant about anti racist work in schools. 

We have found that these are easy grabs for people, but actually reveal underlying issues, typically rooted in racism in ...

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I am tired of the useless anti-south talk. equity racism reflection Sep 22, 2023

As a result of strong anti-southern biases among northerners and people outside of the south, anti south commentary persists in this season of keyboard warriors. In response to DeSa*tis and Abbo*t legislation, people easily want to ban Florida and Texas, for example, from the union. It’s wild how qu...

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More than anyone, white kids need explicit anti racist instruction. #antiracistedu abar anti-racist schools antiracist antiracistedu classroom curriculum racism May 12, 2023

Let me preface this entire blog post by saying that all white kids are not evil or bad. They are not our enemies. This isn't an 'all white people' blog post. This is about what is missing from education and how it's disproportionately affecting white children. 

Recently, we posted on Instagram a mi...

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Did you know picture books used to be really racist? #antiracistedu #carbte #disrupttexts books ela picture books racism reading Oct 17, 2022

CONTENT WARNING: Some graphic, dehumanizing, and racist imagery is included in this blog for the purpose of education, analysis, and evidence. 

Picture book illustrations of children of color have really positively evolved over time in the United States. Early depictions were painfully racist and d...

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We Have a Racist Imagination #antiracistedu anti-racist schools antiracist antiracistedu books diversity educational equity ela inclusive racism Sep 06, 2022

That might sound harsh. It might make you feel defensive. No, I'm not just talking to white people. Yes, this is to everyone. 

Think about it: the way our media (books included) have centered Whiteness and kept us in the shadows has certainly shaped the way people see others and themselves. Check o...

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Still on Island Vibes & Processing... dominican republic racism vacation May 02, 2022

Still on Island Vibes and Processing… 


Our family went on a family vacation recently to Dominican Republic. We took our three kids (7, 4, and 1 year old) and it was their first time out of the country. It was their first time seeing the land where I was born and where both of our parents are fro...

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Whitening Our Students #antiracistedu #carbte #disrupttexts abar blackness csp racism reflection Feb 22, 2020

There exists a movement among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color all around the world (basically wherever there was colonization) to Whiten our skin. The lure of the proximity to Whiteness as a privilege and as a means for survival is both real and not new. For those of us that can’t pass as Whi...

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