The Blog

Bilingual Students & the Need for Teachers #elt bilingual ed education educational equity ell equity teachers Oct 05, 2023

The population of students in the United States working to learn English, is now 10% of public school students. This is an important number, because one of the major barriers to their proficiency is a lack of qualified educators to teach them.

First, a recent EdWeek article explains that,...

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Where Education and Immigration Meet bilingual ed csp diversity educational equity ell equity Nov 11, 2022

Because the issue of immigration is a hot topic right now, it makes sense that immigration and education should also be at the forefront of peoples' minds. In these conversations there are often arguments or opinions presented that embrace racist ideology and American exceptionalism all while soundi...

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Goodies books ell resources Jul 17, 2016

This is an ever-growing list of resources we recommend. They can help to develop a theoretical framework from which to operate in order to successfully create safe and inclusive classroom spaces for students.


Jackson, Karen Keaton. “Chapter 9: The Power of Their Texts by David E. Kirkland...

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Multilingual Speakers in the U.S. bilingual ed ell Nov 28, 2015

Our Beliefs

We believe that bilingual education is a civil right.

We believe that students of color learning a second language in public schools are currently under attack through intense high stakes standardized testing that goes against research indications of productive educational practices. 

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