The Blog

When Teachers Reflect... curriculum education literacy reflection teachers texturedteaching Jun 20, 2024

You know what's an important thing we need time for in schools? There are so many answers to that question, but the one we want to discuss here is TIME FOR REFLECTION. When teachers can reflect, so many problems are solved and so much gets better. 

In this case, fellow educator Brent Gilson has cre...

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And Now More Biased Curriculum #antiracistedu black lives matter classroom curriculum literacy resources Aug 09, 2023

If you're staying up with the news, then you know Florida is under fire with the indoctrination in education that the current state government is passing as law. Most recently, some content was approved to be used as optional in Florida schools. The content is from an uaccredited not for profit righ...

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More than anyone, white kids need explicit anti racist instruction. #antiracistedu abar anti-racist schools antiracist antiracistedu classroom curriculum racism May 12, 2023

Let me preface this entire blog post by saying that all white kids are not evil or bad. They are not our enemies. This isn't an 'all white people' blog post. This is about what is missing from education and how it's disproportionately affecting white children. 

Recently, we posted on Instagram a mi...

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Florida is Burning #disrupttexts books curriculum education ela inclusive literacy reading Feb 03, 2023

I know you've been watching the news and you've probably been watching our videos on social media. We can't stop talking about what DeSantis is doing, and here's why: 

1. These book banning are racist and oppressive in every way. He hides behind certain vague phrases to appease his political base. ...

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Students of Color Are Now the Majority bipoc curriculum diversity education Aug 24, 2022

The National Center for Education Statistics has shared the news from their 2020 and 2021 research. One of the striking statistics that I think we need to meditate on is that out of 49 million public school students, 27.2 million of them are students of color. White students comprise 22.4 million. S...

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4 Questions to Guide Your Back-to-School Planning #antiracistedu abar anti-racist schools classroom curriculum reflection Aug 12, 2022

When we're planning for the new school year, we're often thinking about classroom set up, decorations, start-of-the-year activities/events, and even what our first book or reading might be to welcome students. While those aspects are important, they're not the crux of teaching. You can have all thos...

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Studying Lula in To Kill a Mockingbird #antiracistedu #carbte #disrupttexts abar books classroom curriculum education ela literacy Jul 15, 2022

I know people really love this book and they struggle to let it go. One of the biggest hesitations expressed is that it's a great fodder for conversations about race(ism). However, my response to that is: it's written by a White woman and it is therefore limited in its scope. There will be mistakes ...

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Tips & Strategies for Working with Emergent Bilinguals bilingual ed classroom csp curriculum educational equity resources Jun 08, 2022

 When working with emergent bilinguals in the classroom it is important to have a well-developed toolbox of strategies that celebrates their strengths and builds on their needs. This work doesn’t have to be a mystery. It is about intention and preparation. In this blog post, we have some research-ba...

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You need a discussion protocol. classroom curriculum discussion educational equity resources welcoming May 20, 2022


Addressing difficult or tense conversations in a classroom is difficult enough, without being prepared with a set of norms or protocol. Not only can the topics be tense, but the process of the conversation can be challenging if people are not aware of what is appropriate or how to participate e...

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