The Blog

Whitening Our Students #antiracistedu #carbte #disrupttexts abar blackness csp racism reflection Feb 22, 2020

There exists a movement among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color all around the world (basically wherever there was colonization) to Whiten our skin. The lure of the proximity to Whiteness as a privilege and as a means for survival is both real and not new. For those of us that can’t pass as Whi...

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Beautiful Blackness Typography arts & literacy black history month black lives matter blackness spoken word video Jul 07, 2018

We all learn in multiple ways. Besides being an auditory learner, I am also a visual learner. Coming off the heels of the Montessori For Social Justice Conference where I performed the spoken word poem BEAUTIFUL BLACKNESS, I figured it would be worthwhile to complement it with a typography video.


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Beautiful Blackness arts & literacy black history month blackness poetry video Feb 25, 2018

In honor of Black History Month, Roberto performed a poem entitled “Beautiful Blackness” and blew us all away! The words are below and a viewer’s recording included here, also.


Sweet juice drips from the BLACKberry on full lips

Adding to our fullness

And it’s just so BEAUTI...

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