The Blog

Students of Color Are Now the Majority bipoc curriculum diversity education Aug 24, 2022

The National Center for Education Statistics has shared the news from their 2020 and 2021 research. One of the striking statistics that I think we need to meditate on is that out of 49 million public school students, 27.2 million of them are students of color. White students comprise 22.4 million. S...

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Is my school welcoming to People of Color? anti-racist schools antiracist bipoc csp diversity inclusive reflection resources welcoming Aug 07, 2019

I recently read Kiese Laymon’s book Heavy. I can’t stop talking about it. It was powerful, raw, beautiful, impactful, and heavy. (Pun intended!) One of the moments he narrates is about an incident that happened to him as a college professor. He was the only Black male professor in a predominantly wh...

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We’re In This Together bipoc classroom education reflection teachers Oct 19, 2018

Being a teacher who is black, indigenous, or a person of color (BIPoc), can be challenging in and of itself. So many resources that come across don’t always speak to our experiences in the classroom as a teacher. There are commonalities and trends to what we experience as teachers, and it’s even mor...

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Unit: Language & Liberation #carbte #disrupttexts abar antiracist antiracistedu bipoc classroom csp curriculum education ela indigenous resources social justice Aug 05, 2018

I work toward welcoming marginalized voices into my classroom while moving my students toward a stance grounded in love and freedom. As a student, I never encountered a curriculum that did that. When I first became an educator, I struggled to find examples of curricula or lessons that effectively an...

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