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Diversifying Your ELA Themes #antiracistedu #carbte #disrupttexts curriculum diversity ela Dec 08, 2021


Unit themes are at the core of most English Language Arts (or ELA) classrooms, which begs the questions: what are you teaching beyond books? How are your course themes also a proponent of social justice and critical literacy? This is what #DisruptTexts means when they explain that work...

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Teaching Socio-Political Context #antiracistedu antiracistedu classroom Nov 11, 2021


There is often confusion about what it means to teach socio-political context.

It’s actually a skill builder for students and leads to deeper learning, both content-based and social emotional learning. It helps with developing the core SEL competencies and it builds critical...

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Five Tips for Creating Anti Racist Brave Spaces Via Distance Learning #antiracistedu antiracist antiracistedu csp distance learning education resources Sep 07, 2020

The main secret is that it doesn’t differ much from in-person teaching. You still need to do the personal anti bias and anti racist work required and these brave spaces will still require relationship-building. This entails going through your own peeling back of layers in terms of bias and...

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Whitening Our Students #antiracistedu #carbte #disrupttexts abar blackness csp racism reflection Feb 22, 2020

There exists a movement among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color all around the world (basically wherever there was colonization) to Whiten our skin. The lure of the proximity to Whiteness as a privilege and as a means for survival is both real and not new. For those of us that can’t...

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Unit: TwitterLove&Magic #antiracistedu abar classroom csp curriculum education ela resources Apr 18, 2018

The Intersection of Rhetorics and Justice: An IB unit of study

When teaching about historically marginalized and oppressed communities, that’s usually what students understand: we are in pain, in sorrow, and are oppressed. While there is accuracy to that due to systemic oppression, we often...

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A Lesson on the N-Word #antiracistedu abar antiracist black lives matter classroom discussion ela reflection resources Nov 01, 2017

You can’t teach the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and not discuss the n-word. Ignoring it is irresponsible. So, how does a teacher engage her class in a discussion around this very controversial and complicated word? 

NOTE: My current teaching context is a small...

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